Club Competitions

Competition rules: Updated Feb 2024

1. Entrants for Club competitions must guarantee their availability for Finals Days, which are fixed as the Sunday and Monday of the August Bank Holiday weekend.

Finals Days matches must be played on these days unless disrupted by rain or unless such a match involves a player who is competing at Leamington - in which cases the outstanding Finals matches will be played the following week on the "reserve" Finals Day. Please also consider the number of competitions you enter.

2. Handicaps are set by the Competition Secretary/ies.

3. Draws for the competitions shall take place by the Competition Secretaries in April/May.

4. All matches in all rounds of each competition shall be played by the due date. Only in exceptional circumstances (eg illness) will the Competition Secretary/ies consider the possibility of any extension to any due date. Please try not to leave arranging your game to the closing date of that round.

5. Substitutes for Pairs competitions may only be used in exceptional circumstances. These will be nominated by the Competition Secretaries and must not have already played in that competition.

6. The challenger (first person listed for the match) shall book a rink and, for singles games, arrange a marker (preferably not a family member but must be a Full Playing Member of the Club). The challenger shall contact their opponent and offer three dates. If your opponent is a worker, one of the days must be a weekend and another must an evening. If you haven't been contacted by the challenger one week before the closing of that round, please contact them yourselves.

7. Dress rules: from item 11 in appendix A of the club's bye-laws:

White shirts and grey trousers, crops, skirts or shorts for the rounds, Club shirts and white trousers, crops, skirts or shorts for the finals.

Also note these relevant points in the bye-laws:
- No person is permitted to use the green unless wearing regulation bowls shoes or overshoes. Sandals are not permitted as stated in Bowls England Regulations. This includes markers.
- Any Club official shall have the authority to require anyone improperly dressed to leave the green.

8. Rinks must be drawn for play.

9. In all matches each player will have four bowls unless otherwise stated, and the formats are as follows:

a) Men's / Ladies' Championship
Winner is first player to 21 shots.
The Championship winners get an automatic entry into the following season's Sussex County Champion of Champions and Mid-Sussex Champion of Champions competitions. If they wish to enter the National Champion of Champions competition the Club pays the entry fee

b) Men's / Ladies' Backbone Singles
Winner is first player to 21 shots.
Open to Members who have not won a Lindfield singles competition in the last 5 years.

c) Men's Handicap Singles
Winner is the first player to 21 shots.
Each entrant will have a handicap and the scoreboard is set to reflect this at the start of the game.
The smallest handicap should be taken away from the largest.
For example a 6 handicap versus a 2 handicap the scoreboard would read 4 - 0.
[Note - updated Feb 2025].

d) Men's Two Wood Singles
Winner is first player to 21 shots.
Played with two woods using a 'Roving jack' ie bowling to the jack without straightening it and bowls must finish within one yard of the jack, otherwise they are not counted. Marker not obligatory.

e) Men's Veterans Singles
Winner is first player to 21 shots.
Open to men who have reached the age of 70 on or before April 1st of the current year.

f) Men's 100 Up Singles
Same format as the Butfoy (see competition m).

g) Men's Handicap Pairs
Entrants are divided into leads and skips and then drawn for partners. Match is played over 18 ends or 4 hours, with an extra end as necessary if the scores are tied. The final being 21 ends and no time limit, with extra ends as necessary if scores are tied. If your opponent is a worker, one of the days must be a weekend and another must in an evening.Each pair is allocated a combined handicap by adding the two singles handicaps together.

Before the game starts the scoreboard is set to reflect the handicap difference eg if Bill and Ben have a combined handicap of 12, and their opponents have a combined handicap of 8, the scoreboard will read 4-0 before a bowl has been delivered.

h) Ladies' Two Wood Singles
Match consists of 21 ends with the winner being the player with the higher score.
Extra end played if scores are tied after 21 ends.

i) Ladies' 100 Up Singles
Same format as the Butfoy (see competition m)).

j) Ladies' Pairs
Entrants are divided into leads and skips and then drawn for partners.
Rounds played over 18 ends or 4 hours, whichever occurs first, with extra ends as necessary if scores are tied. The final is 18 ends and no time limit, with extra ends as necessary if scores are tied.

k) Whetstone Cup (Two Wood Mixed Triples)
Mixed competition in which entrants are divided into Leads, 2s and Skips and then drawn for teams. Play consists of 15 ends, with only one to be scored on each of the first two ends. Played on set evenings in August.

l) Chris Sugarhood / Betty MacMillan Trophy (Ladies' Three-Wood Triples)
Entrants are divided into Leads, 2s and Skips and then drawn for teams.
Play consists of 15ends with the higher final score winning the match Played on set mornings. Only 1 to be scored on the first two ends.

m) 'Butfoy' Mixed Singles
10 points available on each end, which are applied in order (4 for shot, 3 for second, 2 for third and 1 for fourth). Shot wood takes the jack.
Winner is the player who reaches 100 first. This means, for example, if Player A is on 94 points and Player B is on 96 points at the start of the end and, after all the bowls have been delivered in the next end, Player B scores shot (4 points, making 100) then the rest of the points are not awarded even though Player A might have had second, third and fourth shots (6 points). The 'Butfoy' competition is open to Members of the Club who have not won a Lindfield singles competition in the last five years.

n) Mixed / 'Drawn' Pairs
Pairs are drawn randomly. 'Mixed' pairings cannot be guaranteed - sometimes it might be two men, or two ladies.
Rounds played over 18 ends or 4 hours, whichever occurs first (the final 18 ends and no time limit), with extra ends as necessary if scores are tied. Played in the "Aussie Pairs" 2-4-2 format, so that players skip alternate ends. No visiting of the head.