Dress code for 2025

A year of transition

The following guidance refers to trousers / shorts / cut-offs.  Club shirts are assumed for 'above the waist' for everything except internal leagues and rollups.

For the 2026 season we won't need greys or whites, as navy blue trousers / shorts will be the only colour permitted (apart from internal leagues and rollups).

For 2025 (this season) you have a choice:

- For friendly matches you can wear whites or navy.  For leagues (eg Spriggs / MSL / Border), you can wear greys or navy.  For this season there's no requirement for all players to wear the same colours, for these matches.

- For county and national competitions where you're either representing yourself, or a small team eg pairs/triples/fours, you can wear either greys or navy, BUT all members of the team must wear the same colours.

- For larger representative teams in county or national competitions (eg Top Club / Double Fours) we're assuming that navy will be the preferred choice - again all members must wear the same (there are strict county and Bowls England rules about this).  It's up to the team managers to decide and communicate their choice to the players.


The reason for these variations is that 2025 is a transitionary year for our club dress code, giving members plenty of time to source their own navy blue trousers / shorts in time for the 2026 season.